3 LTTA days were held in Potenza for 30 young people
In the framework of GREEN-UP project, 3 LTTA days were held in Potenza for 30 young people from partner countries: Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, Greece and Blegium. The aim of the LTTA was to implement peer-to-peer and flipped learning methodologies.
Each day featured various activities focused on sustainability, the green economy, and the circular economy. Particularly interesting were the testimonies from organizations and young people who have started activities in the field of sustainability and the circular economy.
To start, team-building activities were organized to facilitate group bonding, followed by energizer and motivation activities. Subsequently, the participants were divided into groups and developed innovative ideas using storytelling techniques to present their work. The three days concluded with group projects that showcased the creativity and commitment of the participants in addressing the challenges of sustainability and the circular economy.